Tuesday, 17 February 2009


After the student course, many of us who attended the course became friends on facebook and lots of us share our feeling about the course with each other. Most of us claimed that the course is really great and inspiring, etc....but..to me, these great feelings are some kind of emotion you perceive when you meet something great or special in your life. However, feelings will decay as time goes by.... The more important thing is how we carry on the spirit of mentor of disciple in our daily life and put them into actions. That's the most difficult part =) I always remember this quote from the gosho "受责易,持则难,成佛在于持". I'm so sorry that I don't know this quote in English, what it means is that it is very easy to accept something, but to maintain or to determine it is very difficult, while determination is a crucial factor to attain buddhahood. Determination....My dear friends, let's chant together to have determination in everything especially in our daily practice. Let's be a true disciple of sensei and share all these great experiences with everyone in the world, tell them how great our sensei is!!!


  1. 受责易,持则难,成佛在于持 ==> "Is Easy to accept the teaching of buddhism,but hard to be sustained following the path. But the core of attain the buddhahood is continuing to believe"

    keke, my sharing here.

  2. Haha...you got the English gosho for me? Thank you very much~~
    Btw, that's not your sharing okay...that's my sharing that you found out the English version for me...
    You should share something else with me =) How's work and gym practice? How's your family, your granny, and Suk Kuan? How's boy boy? Send me an email to share with me k? I'm waiting for you~~
