It was on last Sat, remember I said I'm gonna meet my friends in central London?
I was so happy cos I can meet them again!!
It's actually my first and the most precious gift from sensei....I dunno why, but one day I was chanting to think how can I encourage my friend, then I thought this bookmark will be the best farewell gift =) My lovely bookmark, I'll be missing you!!
It was a sunny day~~
I felt like summer~~~
We sat on the steps and chat for more than an hour, I was trying sooo hard to hold back my tears when I shared my experience, hehe =)
Taken at Green Park, near Buckingham Palace. It's a nice place to relax....I felt like sleeping on the greeny grass and look at the sky...relaxing and revising.....maybe I'll do it someday =)
One of the greatest thing in the world is to establish friendships with people =) I feel so blessed to meet my friends and to share our experiences with each other =)
When Ikeda sensei visited Soka Kindergarten Malaysia in year 2000, he wrote 3 words: Hope, Courage, Friendship.
Without hope, there's no life.
Without courage, there's nothing to achieve.
Without friendship, life is meaningless....
i'm so jealous, Uk got so much of beautiful scenes.....especially the moment of sunset. Not bad not bad =)